Turning handwashing into a fun activity
Here is a visual that you can stick up beside your sink to encourage your kiddies to wash their hands trhoughout the day.

The visuals are from the HSE Handwashing procedure and we have just put little rhymes under each picture to make it more fun for the kiddies.
I know it can be very hard to get the kiddies to fully wash their hands for 20 seconds so by doing the actions and saying the corrsponding rhymes it may help some of the kiddies.
The visual is also colour coded with 'green for go' this is where the children starts and 'red for stop' this is where the children finish washing their hands.
See below 'Handwashing visual' that you can print off:
If your kiddies find it hard to wash hands in the sink you can use a basin of warm water and just rinse teh hands under the tap at the end or lift their hands up over the basin and pour fresh water over them and dry.
Add a drop of food colouring to the soap to make coloured bubbles as the kiddies rub their hands.
Create soap foam sensory play:
1. 2 tbsp of washing up liquid and 1/4 cup of water
2. add food colouring of choice
3. Mix the solution by hand or in a mixer
4. Scoop the foam/bubbles out into a basin for the kiddies to play with.
* add in antibacterial soap to the childrens hands as they play
*again rinse hands in the sink or by pouring fresh water over the kiddies hands when they are finished.
You can repeat this process a number of times with different colours so make rainbow soap foam play like below.