You will need: Paper, highlighter, pencil or crayon(depending what stage of pre-writing your child is on. If they are beginners with pre-writing they will use a crayon)
Before starting pre-writing do some warm up activities to warm up those little fingers: (do one or two from the examples below)
Play with playdoh
Play with putty
Play on a little piano,tin whistle
Have a spider race on the table(Place all 5 fingers on the table, on your marks get set go, run your fingers to the end of the table)
Pull a slinky in and out
Take off and stick down stickers
Spraying from a spray bottle use both hands one at a time
How to make the sheets:
Simply use a highlighter to make different lines
Keep it to 2-3 different lines per page
For more advanced draw letters, numbers, words
To use the pre-writing sheets:
Show the child how to use their pencil/crayon to follow along the highlighted line.
Then allow the child to continue on.
Some kiddies may need you to help them to do this at the start. If your child needs help, put the pencil in your child's hand and then put your hand over your child's hand to help him/her complete the line. As your child progresses you will be able to move you hand to give less help them by holding their wrist gently to guide them along the line.